IPA: tˈeɪɫpɫeɪn
- A horizontal airfoil, at the rear of an aircraft, to which the elevator is attached; usually associated with the tailfin
Examples of "tailplane" in Sentences
- It was the hinged part of the tailplane which raised or lowered the aircraft's nose.
- The two boys were at the tailplane, their clothes blown and buffeted by the slipstream.
- Sudden & catstrophic depresurisation would most likely suck her out & blow her clear of wings & tailplane.
- The Cloud was coming back now, finishing its clockwise tour of the plane, flowing over the tailplane before pouring itself back into a cube.
- The aircraft itself is spared looking like a rocket by its thin and extremely short wings set far back on the long fuselage, and a comparatively large tailplane carried almost at the top of an equally enormous fin.
- She was much better at off-the-cuff stuff like the handkerchief over the British Airways tailplane, or the remark that she didn't see why immigrants should get council houses ahead of native British people, or the 'Rejoice!' after the successful end to the Falklands war.