IPA: tˈeɪɫwɪnd
- (nautical, physics) A wind that blows in the same direction as the course taken by an aircraft, sailing ship, bird, etc.
- (figurative, by extension) A force that accelerates progress.
- Of a wind, to blow on a windmill or wind turbine in such a way that wind pressure is exerted on the wrong side of the sail or turbine assembly.
Examples of "tailwind" in Sentences
- In a pitch from last month, FAOFool shares that sentiment, touching on Lab Corp. 's monstrous long-term tailwind:
- Because the tailwind was about 9 mph, double the allowable, the world record remains 9.72, set May 31 by Jamaica's Usain Bolt in New York City.
- It may even be - I don't want to use the word tailwind because you've sort of pooh-poohed that a little bit, but it shouldn't be nearly a headwind, right?