IPA: tˈæɫɪps
- The ankle and foot
- (medicine) clubfoot (abbreviation from talipes equinovarus (TEV))
Examples of "talipes" in Sentences
- "I suppose you've got talipes equinus?" he said, turning suddenly to
- He had read everything in the library which treated of talipes in its various forms.
- Musculature of legs was in a constant mild clonus, and the right foot was kept in position of talipes equinovarus.
- Massage is a valuable remedy in the complicated local nerve-troubles, so frequently caused by a condition of talipes valgus.
- Jacobs accepted with pleasure, since he was interested just then in neglected talipes and was getting together materials for a paper.
- In talipes calcaneus, where the heel only touches the floor, we massage the posterior part of the leg to strengthen the soleus and gastrocnemius.
- In talipes equino-varus where the toes touch the floor and the heel is drawn up and the foot is everted, we treat the tibialis anticus and the peroneus tertius principally.
- His reading told him that whatever might have been done when he was a small boy, and then treatment of talipes was not as skilful as in the present day, there was small chance now of any great benefit.
- The term "talipes" is commonly used to include all these, but here it will be restricted to that form in which the heel is more or less elevated, and the foot supinated so that it rests on its lateral border -- _talipes equino-varus_.
- (See rules for treating paralysis on page 124.) In talipes equino-varus where the toes come to the floor and the heel is drawn up and the foot inverted we massage the tibialis anticus, peroneus tertius and peroneus longus principally.