
IPA: tˈæɫɪsmʌn


  • A magical object providing protection against ill will, or the supernatural, or conferring the wearer with a boon such as good luck, good health, or power(s).
  • (India, obsolete) A mullah (Islamic religious scholar).


  • (transitive) To adorn with a talisman.

Examples of "talisman" in Sentences

  • My talisman is a silver ring that I've had for several years.
  • In its widest sense, the word talisman is synonymous with amulet.
  • Known as nazar, the evil eye talisman is particularly common in Turkey.
  • In the minds of most persons the terms talisman, amulet, and charm are synonymous.
  • The alien talisman is now in the possession of the Gorgon and her evil nuns, and they are preparing to open the portal to their world.
  • Lovelace has a bit of plastic around his neck, which he insists is a talisman from the mystic beings, and charges individual penguins one pebble for an answer to any question they may have for him.
  • So he summoned on it the doctors and astrologers and men skilled in talisman-writing and said to them, Whoso healeth my daughter of what ill she hath, I will marry him to her and give him half of my kingdom; but whoso cometh to her and cureth her not,

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