
IPA: tˈɔkʌtɪvɫi


  • In a talkative manner

Examples of "talkatively" in Sentences

  • I wonder whether it is really admirable to die so calmly, so painlessly and, above all, so talkatively.
  • Oh, I suppose we get our share of cattle buyers and grain dealers—and the salesmen, he observed talkatively.
  • A lot of children running noisily around the church and shouting as people gathered, talkatively, for Mass...
  • So the children crept away, and out through the little shrine, and the lady and the priest were so tearfully, talkatively happy that they never noticed that the guardian angels had gone.
  • A spangled drongo — ardent lover of light and free air — talkatively announced the dawn long before its coming; the noisy pitta — bird of the moist soil and leafy gloom — triumphs in three notes.
  • After a final inspection of the ballroom, we tipped the caretaker, promised to let the agent know our decision, and, to the great inconvenience of other pedestrians, strolled talkatively through the streets towards the Boulevard.
  • If the newcomer is a new drummer unfamiliar with the ways of the mountains, if he comes imbued with the belief that the voice with the smile wins, and talkatively radiates his individual idea of fellowship and democracy, one by one his auditors silently drop away.

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