IPA: tˈæɫoʊ
- A hard animal fat obtained from suet, etc.; used in cooking as well as to make candles, soap and lubricants.
- To grease or smear with tallow.
- To cause to have a large quantity of tallow; to fatten.
Examples of "tallow" in Sentences
- Rendered beef fat is called tallow, and pork fat lard.
- His first foot-gear was moccasins, his first taffy the tallow from a moose.
- Candles are kept burning by means of a wick of cotton or rush, placed in the centre of the tallow, which is moulded into a cylindrical form.
- Three Kings, Mother Soren lit up for Holberg a three-king candle, that is, a tallow candle with three wicks, which she had herself prepared.
- We bought several bags of salmon oil from the natives, which we used, so long as it lasted, as a substitute for reindeer tallow, which is all gone now.
- All the fat of the inwards, that which we call the tallow and suet, with the caul that encloses it and the kidneys in the midst of it, were to be taken away, and burnt upon the altar, as an offering made by fire, v. 3-5.
- The horseshoes are first pulled off, which are worth about 4s., the hoofs fetch 8s., the tail 2s.; the tallow is not worth much, the hide is worth something; the shinbones are sold to be converted into cane-heads, knife-handles, &c.
- In most places our graziers are now grown to be so cunning that if they do but see an ox or bullock, and come to the feeling of him, they will give a guess at his weight, and how many score or stone of flesh and tallow he beareth, how the butcher may live by the sale, and what he may have for the skin and tallow, which is a point of skill not commonly practised heretofore.