IPA: tˈæɫʌn
- A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal.
- (zoology) One of certain small prominences on the hind part of the face of an elephant's tooth.
- (architecture) A kind of moulding, concave at the bottom and convex at the top; an ogee. (When the concave part is at the top, it is called an inverted talon.)
- The shoulder of the bolt of a lock on which the key acts to shoot the bolt.
- (card games) The remaining stock of undealt cards.
- (finance, historical) A document that could be detached and presented in exchange for a block of further coupons on a bond, when the original block had been used up.
- A surname transferred from the nickname.
- A male given name from English of modern usage.
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