
IPA: tˈeɪmnʌs


  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being tame.
  • (countable, rare) The result or product of being tame.

Examples of "tameness" in Sentences

  • But it's well worth it to experience the "tameness" of these animals.
  • Your tameness, gentleness shining in my hands, bringing light, giving light.
  • The property bred for was "tameness," i.e., a tolerance of, or better a desire for, human contact.
  • Pigeons are very abundant in all Russian cities, and their tameness is a matter of remark among foreign visitors.
  • The relative tameness of the recent downturn in stocks is evidence that many investors expect the rally to resume in coming months.
  • It was somewhat galling to recall the tameness with which she had allowed a Shouting Methodist such a last word as that, entirely unreproved.
  • Unlike their wild ancestors, house pets and other domesticated animals share the trait of tameness, meaning they tolerate or even seek out human presence.
  • O'Driscoll said nothing till we had once more taken our seats in the boat, and then he expressed his disappointment at what he called the tameness of the result of our expedition.
  • The ladies excite the author's pen into absolute rapture; their sparkling eyes and glossy hair, are, in themselves, sufficient to negative the idea of tameness or insipidity, while their sylph-like figures exhibit fresh graces at every step.
  • One of the reasons that this method performs so well is the very "tameness" of the underlying network – the noise is white, also the proportion of noise is constant, about 50% in the erik167 example, yielding very high 0.7 correlations to gridcell temperature.

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