IPA: tˈæmpɑn
- A plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid, especially one inserted in the vagina during menstruation.
- A double-headed drumstick primarily for the bass drum.
- An inking pad used in lithographic printing.
- (medicine, transitive) To plug (a wound) with a tampon or compress.
Examples of "tampon" in Sentences
- To do this, soak a tampon with plain yogurt and insert it inside you.
- * Soak a tampon in probiotic yogurt and leave in place for a couple of hours
- Saw a guy use a tampon on Expedition Africa on TV, Worked good, though why he had a tampon is a question.
- – The only kind of tampon available here is OB, and you can get them at many of the bigger grocery stores.
- What’s really vulgar is that Rush, the leader of the teabagger’s, has to use the term tampon in calling a listener down.
- The "tampon" is number candles -- and, judging by their shape, I don't believe the recipient is pre-pubescent, as steph contends...
- I find it interesting that out of all of the things that you can make a stun gun be disguised as, some thought a tampon was the most appropriate.
- (Also, I was shut down hard tonight when I said something about a "tampon," reminded by my ladies that a tampon is a very different device than a feminine pad.
- In response to the commenter Lee, anyone who refers to a feminist backlash as a "tempest in a tampon" is not going to like or understand the answers to any questions he might ask.