
IPA: tˈænɪk


  • Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin.

Examples of "tannic" in Sentences

  • "All the barks named contain what is called tannic acid.
  • Clivers is of astringent benefit in cancer, because of its "tannic,"
  • Washed down with a glass of light, nicely tannic Portuguese table wine, it was a thoroughly enjoyable 45-minute break.
  • The formation of scab is favored by astringents and styptics, such as tannic acid, iodoform, and 5 per cent solution of zinc chlorid.
  • It is home to châteaux such as Cos d'Estournel, Calon-Ségur and Montrose, whose wines tend to be a little more tannic than other Médocs and usually age well.
  • When a significant underestimation of starting DNA molecules was found, due to the presence of biological inhibitors such as tannic acid, IgG or quercitin, SOD efficiently marked these amplification profiles as outliers.
  • Which is to say that Mr. Ramey's wines, for all their precision and restraint, tend to be more come-hither than their Old World counterparts, his Chardonnays just a little more voluptuous than the average Puligny-Montrachet, his cabs less tannic than the typical Médoc.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 479 Degrees Ginger Sesame Caramel Corn A staple of Asian sweets, black sesame seeds have been showing up on savvier restaurant dessert menus for a while now, and with good reason: They offer a silken, nutty, buttery quality and the pleasingly tannic bite of cocoa powder or coffee that works well in most recipes that call for nuts or chocolate.

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