IPA: tˈeɪstɫʌsnʌs
- The quality, state, or characteristic of being tasteless.
Examples of "tastelessness" in Sentences
- Fucking Fergie, whose tastelessness trumps her talent at every turn.
- McC ... disappearance, in which tastelessness is piled on tastelessness daily.
- But when you start using these deaths as advertising for the book, then there is a insensitivity that verges on tastelessness going on.
- I found it hilarious that gamespot chose to take this game to task when it doesnt do so for any other game for "tastelessness" on real world
- In this respect I am a snob of Philistinism, proud of my taste in tastelessness: I would rather read Maxwell Grant or World-Wrecker Hamilton than James Joyce.
- The crass mixed messages these songs give out in combination is only the tip of this album's iceberg of tastelessness, which is frankly riding pretty low in the water.
- Most of the commentary has focused on allegations of a pattern of anti-Hillary sexism at MSNBC, the "tastelessness" of the comment, the supposed "thin-skin" of the Clintons, and other matters.
- If the likes of Brent Bozell just changed the channel and stopped inadvertantly promoting a self-important douche like Seth MacFarlane by writing about "tastelessness", that show would go off the air based on the fact that it sucks.
- From the title onwards, this young five-piece set out their stall very clearly: what they offer is an hour of no-holds-barred high-energy stupidity, where tastelessness is the order of the day and the more childish a gag is, the better.