IPA: tˈætʌɫ
- (countable) A tattletale.
- (countable, Canada, US, derogatory) Often said of children: a piece of incriminating information or an account of wrongdoing that is said about another person.
- (uncountable) Idle talk; gossip; (countable) an instance of such talk or gossip.
- (intransitive) To chatter; to gossip.
- (intransitive, Canada, US, derogatory) Often said of children: to report incriminating information about another person, or a person's wrongdoing; to tell on somebody.
- (intransitive, obsolete) To speak like a baby or young child; to babble, to prattle; to speak haltingly; to stutter.
Examples of "tattle" in Sentences
- Susie was quick to tattle on her brother whenever he broke their mom's rules
- The teacher warned the students not to tattle on each other for minor infractions
- It's never a good idea to tattle just to get someone in trouble
- The little boy thought he could get away with tattling on his classmates, but they all knew he was just trying to cause trouble
- Jenny didn't want to be known as the class tattletale, so she kept her classmates' secrets to herself