IPA: tˈizʌɫ
- Any of several plants of the genus Dipsacus.
- The dried flower head of the fuller's teasel, Dipsacus fullonum, used for teasing or carding cloth.
- Any contrivance intended as a substitute for teasels in dressing cloth.
- (archaic) To raise the nap on cloth; to tease; to card.
Examples of "teasel" in Sentences
- The little teasel plant bloomed purple flowers in the meadow
- She used a teasel brush to card the wool before spinning it into yarn
- The teasel seeds clung to the fur of the passing deer as it brushed by
- The teasel plant is known for its prickly, spiky flower heads
- The textile industry once heavily relied on teasel brushes to raise the nap on fabrics