
IPA: tˈiθ


  • (informal) The ability to be enforced, or to be enforced to any useful effect.


  • Dated spelling of teethe (“to grow teeth”).

Examples of "teeth" in Sentences

  • I find I have so little time with the two kids that brushing my teeth is a luxury.
  • I have also heard that the wear on the teeth is a way to get a rough veiw of the age of the deer
  • I hear that spinach in the teeth is a new fad, kind of like those giant plugs kids are putting in their earlobes now.
  • ssoooooo……..teeth huh……wow…..wouldn't have thought of that….sure teeth, but 'lots of teeth'…..now thats whats missing, makes so much sense now.
  • The idea of shimming slivers of stainless steel between my teeth is a little disturbing, but I can't deny that the design and execution are quite cool.
  • The probability that their teeth were taken out by force, is increased by the fact of their being _front teeth_ in almost every case, and from the fact that the loss of no _other_ is mentioned in the advertisements.
  • "Observaciones sobre el clima de Lima y sus influencias en los seres organizados en especial el hombre."] [Footnote 16: The women of Lima clean their teeth several times a day with the root called _Raiz de dientes_ (literally _root for the teeth_), of which they keep a piece constantly in their pocket.] [Footnote 17: It is related that, during the war of independence, when
  • She dances through room after room until she finds the group scattered across a banquet, they look at her with huge eyes, all inky-black pupils, and smile wide, wide, wide, wide, wide smiles and if she shakes her head from left to right real fast she can see a fast white line of teeth blending from one head into and another… teeth, teeth, teeth… her cousin is clenching her teeth.

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synonyms for teethdescribing words for teeth

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