IPA: tˈɛg
- (UK, dialect, dated) a sheep (originally a ewe) that is one to two years old
- (UK, dialect, dated) a doe in its second year
- Abbreviation of thromboelastography. [(medicine) A method of testing the efficiency of coagulation in the blood.]
- Abbreviation of thromboelastograph. [An instrument used in thromboelastography]
- (countable) Abbreviation of thromboelastogram. [A diagram showing the results of a thromboelastography.]
- (countable) Initialism of thermoelectric generator.
- (uncountable) Acronym of triethylene glycol.
Examples of "teg" in Sentences
- The teg of the ancient book was worn and frayed from years of handling
- The farmer used a teg to gently guide the sheep into the pen
- The teg of the old painting had faded over time, making it difficult to see the details
- I carefully brushed away the dirt from the teg of the antique vase to reveal the intricate design
- The teg of the leather wallet was embossed with a small emblem, adding to its elegant appearance