IPA: tɛɫˈʊriʌm
- (uncountable) The chemical element with atomic number 52. Symbol: Te. A rare, brittle, mildly toxic, silver-white metalloid.
- (countable) A single atom of this element.
- A variant spelling of tellurion.
Examples of "tellurium" in Sentences
- Tellurium is a brittle, silver-white metalloid that is commonly found in gold ores
- The chemical symbol for tellurium is Te, and it is often used in the production of solar panels
- Some tellurium compounds have a foul smell, similar to garlic or rotten radishes
- Tellurium is a relatively rare element on Earth, but it can also be found in some volcanic ash deposits
- Despite its scarcity, tellurium plays a crucial role in the technology industry for its unique electrical properties