IPA: tʌɫˈoʊmɝeɪz
- (biochemistry, genetics) An enzyme in eukaryotic cells that adds a specific sequence of DNA to the telomeres of chromosomes after they divide; gives the chromosomes stability over time.
Examples of "telomerase" in Sentences
- Telomerase is an enzyme that helps maintain the length of telomeres, which are the protective caps at the end of chromosomes
- Scientists are studying the role of telomerase in aging and cancer, as abnormalities in this enzyme can lead to uncontrolled cell division
- Some cancer cells have high levels of telomerase activity, allowing them to divide indefinitely and evade the normal cell cycle
- Telomerase is considered a potential target for cancer therapy, with drugs being developed to inhibit its activity in cancer cells
- Research into telomerase has also raised the possibility of using it to prolong human lifespan and combat age-related diseases