
IPA: tˈɛmpɝʌ


  • A medium used to bind pigments in painting, as well as the associated artistic techniques.
  • (countable) A painting done in this medium.

Examples of "tempera" in Sentences

  • Resulted in 2 hits for 'tempera', of which I represented 50% of the population.
  • I had artichokes in tempera, whic was actually a bit more like noraml batter, so a bit greasy.
  • No, Angelina Jolie isn’t getting covered in tempera paint at Hands on Art (we could probably sell tickets to that).
  • It came about because he liked working in tempera, which is a type of paint that has egg as one of its constituents.
  • And then there's Duo Duo, a related series of paintings, done on paper with egg and oil tempera, which is great-just plain great.
  • It's interesting to me that in addition to tempera, which is what I presumed they always used, Al also mentions using acrylic paints for some effects involving glazing of transparent layers.
  • The best kind of paint for young children is poster paint, also known as tempera paint, which you can buy at any art store in premixed liquid form or as a powder that must be mixed with water.
  • The earliest Egyptian paintings to which it is possible to assign a date, are executed in tempera upon the walls of certain tombs made for the noble personages who were contemporary with King Khufu (better known as Cheops), the builder of the Great Pyramid.
  • His willingness to experiment in graphic art to create visual effects that exploited the tools and language unique to that medium, as in "woodcut-on-pewter" and white-line etchings, or simulated alla-prima painting, as in color prints, spilled over into painting, as is evinced by the experimental paintings in the Descriptive Catalogue, such as the Spiritual Form of Nelson, and his so-called "tempera" and "fresco" paintings, which capture the visual effects of color printing.

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