IPA: tɝgˈɪvɝsʌt
- (intransitive) To evade, to equivocate using subterfuge; to obfuscate in a deliberate manner.
- (intransitive) To change sides or affiliation; to apostatize.
- (intransitive, rare) To flee by turning one's back.
Examples of "tergiversate" in Sentences
- The politician tried to tergiversate when confronted about his contradictory statements
- It is not uncommon for people to tergiversate when they are caught in a lie
- The suspect continued to tergiversate during the interrogation, making it difficult for the investigators to uncover the truth
- Despite the evidence presented, the defendant attempted to tergiversate in court
- It is important to remain steadfast in the face of tergiversation and seek out the truth
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