
IPA: tˈɝmʌnʌɫˈɑdʒɪkʌɫ


  • Of, or relating to terminology.

Examples of "terminological" in Sentences

  • There is an interesting 'terminological' battle going on though.
  • This astonishing claim is based on a kind of terminological fetishism.
  • That's the kind of terminological twists that have gone on in hip-hop culture that are very controversial.
  • The real question is whether it adds enough insight to the discussion to justify the terminological baggage.
  • So Callahan wrote an AP wire story that included a choice little graf with both quotes, and the obvious, er, terminological inexactitude.
  • The appellate court majority's answer hinges less on constitutional bedrock doctrines than it does on alleged terminological foot-faults by Congress.
  • To avoid a terminological quagmire, let us merely assert that analytics uses statistical and other methods of processing to tease out business insights and decision cues from masses of data.
  • At some length and terminological convolution on their part, making these exact same points to them, even that one about the computer program, with little effect … it is the most bizarre thing.
  • Said Janet Albrechtsen in The Australian, "Kevin Rudd's announcement of a carbon emissions reduction target of 5 per cent by 2020 demonstrated that his pre-election claim that climate change was the great moral issue of our time, and demanding that Australia lead the way, was what Winston Churchill would call a terminological inexactitude: a whopper, a piece of bare-faced duplicity of epic proportions.

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