IPA: tˈɝmaɪt
- A white-bodied, wood-consuming insect of the infraorder Isoptera, in the order Blattodea.
- A contemptible person.
- (intransitive) Of a chimpanzee: to catch termites by inserting a stick or vine into their nest and waiting for them to climb up it.
Examples of "termite" in Sentences
- Suddenly the termite is everywhere, from Popular Science to Congressional Quarterly Today to Wired.
- Hugenholtz interrupted, quoting a colleague: “Maybe the termite is just a fancy delivery system for the creatures in the gut.”
- He thinks that searching for individual enzymes in the termite will be a dead end, but that harnessing the power of whole environments might yield results.
- Energy efficient buildings inspired by passive cooling in termite mounds and non-toxic fabric finishes inspired by water repellant lotus plants are examples of biomimicry changing our world today.