
IPA: θˈæɫʌmɑkˈɔrtʌkʌɫ


  • (anatomy) Relating to, or connecting the thalamus and the cerebral cortex.

Examples of "thalamocortical" in Sentences

  • What stops synchronized thalamocortical oscillations?
  • The axons from these nuclei are supposed to form part of the thalamocortical system.
  • The thalamocortical system consists of the thalamus and the cortex acting together, a system that evolved to receive signals from sensory receptor sheets and to give signals to voluntary muscles.
  • I'm not sure anyone really cares about Putnam, Kripke, Davidson when the world's falling apart, but they probably don't care about string theory or the relationship between the thalamocortical loop and consciousness, either.
  • —The thalamus may be regarded as a large ganglionic mass in which the ascending tracts of the tegmentum and a considerable proportion of the fibers of the optic tract end, and from the cells of which numerous fibers (thalamocortical) take origin, and radiate to almost every part of the cerebral cortex.
  • Tinnitus patients show a deviation from the norm of different resting EEG parameters, characterized by an overproduction of resting state delta, theta and beta brain activities, providing further support for the microphysiological and magnetoencephalographic evidence pointing to a thalamocortical dysrhythmic process at the source of tinnitus.

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