
IPA: θˈɝmoʊɪɫˈɛktrɪk


  • Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting thermoelectricity

Examples of "thermoelectric" in Sentences

  • Withdrawals for thermoelectric power have been relatively stable since 1985.
  • "thermoelectric" system uses solid-state electronics to convert heat directly into electricity.
  • With all the progress made in thermoelectric efficiency optimization, why not use some of it for electric power production (both stationary and propulsive).
  • A flow controlled by temperature and magnetic fields, called a thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic (TEMHD) flow, was first proposed for fusion reactors in 1979 [
  • In search of the next best seller, mattress makers are experimenting with all kinds of ingredients, such as thermoelectric cooling technology and moisture-absorbing bamboo.
  • LTC3109, a highly integrated step-up dc/dc converter and power management IC designed to start up and run from millivolt input voltage sources such as thermoelectric generators (TEGs) and thermopiles.
  • Their device, called a thermoelectric power generator, attaches to the body and generates a power output of a few microwatts, which could be useful for powering implanted medical devices and wireless sensors.
  • For over a hundred years it had been known that electric currents flow in many materials if one end is heated and the other cooled, and ever since the 1940's Russian scientists had been working to put this "thermoelectric" effect to practical use.
  • He explained that compressors are more efficient than thermoelectric, which is why they're used in larger refrigerators, but thermoelectric units are solid-state, with no moving parts, which should mean less vibration (he suggested we test this by putting glasses of water on top, and indeed the units with compressors had just a touch more vibration, but not enough to bother us).

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