IPA: θˈɪkʌnd
- made or having become thick
- made thick in consistency
- having skin made tough and thick through wear
Examples of "thickened" in Sentences
- "That's what I call thickened truth," said the American, looking solemnly round.
- I have let my son have the jacket as I have "thickened" some and it is a little tight on me now.
- The name thickened to a sob as he repeated it, and then suddenly he rose and cried in an awful voice, "Oh, I'm a fool!
- Every new or "thickened" settlement is a gift to Palestinian extremists who point to them as evidence that Israel will never permit establishment of a Palestinian state.
- Actually, there have been times when we have "thickened" or added weight to a model or "thinned" a model by smoothing out bulges that may distort the shape of the clothes.
- How someone who drew the LT characters with such lean and vibrant energy could later render Bugs and Daffy as paunchy, evenly proportioned and generally "thickened" is a complete puzzle.
- It does seem unlikely that a Habermasian cosmopolitianism, no matter how supplemented and thickened, is going to be able to open itself to forms of ethos and character that come from religious traditions.
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