IPA: θˈɪmɝˈoʊzʌɫ
- US standard form of thiomersal. [(pharmacology) A compound, chemical formula C₉H₉HgNaO₂S, used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent, especially in vaccines.]
Examples of "thimerosal" in Sentences
- The flu vaccine does contain thimerosal, but it isn’t considered a routine childhood immunization.
- For the record, thimerosal is not the only ingredient that worries those of us with autistic children.
- The mainstream medical community has long contended that vaccines, whether they contain thimerosal or not, do not cause autism.
- "The theory that thimerosal is singularly culpable in bringing about autism is only one of three upon which courts will decide," the news media report.
- Will the single-dose injectable units of H1N1 2009 vaccine that do NOT contain thimerosal (mercury) be available at the same time as the multi-dose vials that do contain it?
- And later this year, attorneys will present four more test cases to determine whether MMR vaccines, regardless of whether or not they contain thimerosal, may bring about the condition.
- However, injected flu vaccines may contain thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, which many doctors believe is safe but others believe may be responsible for effects on the brain and nervous system.