IPA: θˈɪsʌɫdaʊn
- The soft, feathery pappus attached to the seeds of a thistle.
Examples of "thistledown" in Sentences
- A thing as important as thistledown is as unimportantly dismissed.
- We also believed that there's a secret name which, if you call the thistledown by, will make it fly into your hand.
- A thin mist floated like thistledown from the marshes, which were so distant that they were visible only as a pinkish edge to the horizon.
- Grit and thistledown rushed past on the wind; shadows from the trees lining the road cut the ground like the dark lances of forest spirits.
- Did he ever (like most of us) catch some floating bit of emotional thistledown & go on from that, or did he plan on a subject like an architect?
- Henry's post starts: "Unafraid as I am to pin my hamster to the mast in a sudden crisis, I shall splench my mainwairing to the thistledown and gladiate hencewithstanding."
- Vanaheim, long before those times I have memories (living memories) of earlier drifts, when, like thistledown before the breeze, we drifted south before the face of the descending polar ice-cap.