IPA: θˈaɪrsʌs
- A staff topped with a conical ornament, carried by Bacchus or his followers.
- (botany) A species of inflorescence; a dense panicle, as in the lilac and horse-chestnut.
Examples of "thyrsus" in Sentences
- The Dionysian thyrsus, like the later withche's wand, was willow.
- Satyrs often carry the thyrsus: the rod of Dionysus tipped with a pine cone.
- As she worshipped the god she typically held a thyrsus, a giant fennel staff topped with a pinecone.
- The thyrsus was a long staff, carried by Bacchus, and by the Satyrs and Bacchanalians engaged in the worship of the God of the grape.
- Theban blood; with no wild waving of the thyrsus, clad in fawnskin thou dancest, but with chariots and bitted steeds wheelest thy charger strong of hoof.
- He is often to be found on this blog, either riding the Behemouth with a cowboy whoop or following behind it on foot, having set it off on a rampage with a swipe of his sacred thyrsus across its arse.