IPA: tˈɪdɫɪwɪŋks
- (tiddlywinks, also attributively) A competitive game in which the objective is to flick as many small discs (each called a tiddlywink or wink) as possible into a container (the pot) by pressing on their edges with a larger disc (a shooter or squidger), causing them to jump up from the surface on which they are placed.
- (figuratively) Especially in the form to play tiddlywinks: a meaningless or unimportant activity.
Examples of "tiddlywinks" in Sentences
- "Don't forget tiddlywinks and Ping-Pong," he says.
- "I would've rather stayed home and played tiddlywinks sometimes," he said.
- It had rained, and tiny frogs leaped across the dirt road like tiddlywinks.
- After years of watching tiddlywinks, let's not forget what a good game of chess looks like.
- Next week, maybe we can watch people play tiddlywinks to decide who gets to see a screening of The Love Guru.
- Otherwise I suggest you go down the street and see if there is somebody you can play jacks or tiddlywinks with.
- Their objective all along has been to destroy his presidency, and the next two years are going to make the first two look like they were playing tiddlywinks.
- He would take me, the wordikins and the tiddlywinks and hauntings and the memories of fornication and the pleasures of floorboards, and suck them out of the ghost until the ghost was a ghost of itself.
- At the end, viewers are urged to go to a website, www. spotsvstripes.com, to join a team and compete in any real-life game they like – from tiddlywinks to crazy golf and keepy-uppy – and to build up national totals online for each side.