IPA: tˈɪɫɑndsiʌ
- Any of the genus Tillandsia of American epiphytes.
Examples of "tillandsia" in Sentences
- Even the spanish moss in live oaks is a tillandsia, pretty cool.
- Those trees, and the tillandsia are not winter hardy where I live, sadly.
- In the immediate background was a grove of tillandsia, fragrant and cool.
- She halted abruptly by a giant tillandsia, and the paymaster approached and stood at her side.
- The moss (_tillandsia usneoides_) served to calk the rude vessel of the first French colonists, longing for home.
- The large live oak tree on one of the holes, dripping with spanish moss, actually a bromeliad tillandsia, makes this a majestic scene.
- The tillandsia bromeliads were tied onto the structure with fishing line, padded with a little spanish moss, which is also another tillandsia, T. usncoides.
- The Angolan orchilla was first sent to Lisbon by Sr.F. R. Batalha: it is a moss, like the tillandsia of the Southern United States, and I afterwards recognized it in the island of Annobom.
- Each gust of wind is putrid, and with fog rolling over the shore and nothing growing on the barren earth save the silvery gray shadows of tillandsia, a plant that lives on dew, the land appears doomed, as if haunted by the past.