IPA: tˈɪɫɪŋ
- The act of one who tills.
- A surname.
- (molecular biology) Acronym of targeting induced local lesions in genomes: a method that allows directed identification of mutations in a specific gene.
Examples of "tilling" in Sentences
- The profession of advocate had terrified him, and he shuddered at the idea of tilling the soil.
- What this means is that the earthworms, protozoa, ants and other decomposers that are actively 'tilling' the soil are not there to do so.
- Much of what we do in gardens, such as tilling, and using pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers, is harmful to the long term health of the soil.
- There are several initiatives -- such as tilling the soil with animals, deep-soil tilling, and using some fuel for irrigation purposes -- which are being implemented.
- All of a sudden the idea of tilling the soil came into my head; tilling the soil was a healthful and noble pursuit! but my idea of tilling the soil had no connection with Britain; for I could only expect to till the soil in Britain as a serf.