
IPA: tˈɪmbɝd


  • Wooded; bearing timber; forested.
  • Made from timber, especially large or coarsely finished timber.

Examples of "timbered" in Sentences

  • Also along the edge of grassy spots in timbered areas.
  • The ceilings are wood timbered and the carved wooden doors that connect the passageways are imposingly large.
  • After that they timbered the well with bottom boards from the wagons and wagon tongues, and the digging went on.
  • The town, so long the site of pilgrimage, now hosts the forces of globalization: a thin-crust Italian pizzeria; a Starbucks in the half-timbered cottage adjoining the great arch.
  • My friend, 67 years old and rail-thin from battling cancer, had trudged up a steep timbered hill, sat most of the day, shot a tremendous buck, then made the long hike back to camp.
  • It sat in country that, Gist said, was “fine, rich, level land, well timbered . . . well watered with a great number of little streams and rivulets, full of beautiful natural meadows.”
  • After undergoing the mad bondage of man, the creek finally returned to its ancient ways, all soiled and smirched from its toil, and coiled lazily among the broad flats and timbered spaces where the valley widened to its mouth.
  • The river-bottoms being much more heavily "timbered" -- to use a woodsman term -- than the higher grounds, there was little of the park-like "openings" on its immediate banks, though distant glimpses were had of many a glade and of many a charming grove.
  • Instead of a Swiss guard in full Renaissance costume, a porter in shirtsleeves opens an elfin door; you cross a courtyard, push open the timbered main portal yourself, and go up to some rooms that look like a period exhibit in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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