IPA: tˈaɪmzˈɝvɝ
- (obsolete) Someone who honours their commitments only when it is personally easy to do so.
- A person who conforms to current opinions, especially for reasons of personal advantage; an opportunist.
- Someone who performs a job for the required time only, making a minimum of effort.
- (computing) A device, node or program that transmits the correct time to clients in a network.
Examples of "timeserver" in Sentences
- The lazy employee was often considered a timeserver, always just watching the clock and counting down the minutes until they could leave
- In a busy office, there is no room for timeservers who waste precious company time with their procrastination
- The boss quickly recognized the new employee as a timeserver, constantly taking long breaks and contributing little to the team
- It's frustrating to work with a timeserver who is more concerned with appearing busy than actually getting work done
- The project fell behind schedule due to the timeserver on the team who continuously missed deadlines and made excuses for their lack of progress