IPA: tˈaɪninʌs
- The property of being tiny; minuteness.
Examples of "tininess" in Sentences
- Her eyes, of pin-hole tininess, were blackest black.
- Despite its tininess, it looked broad and comfortable.
- I think that realization, our tininess invokes all kinds of deep seated innate fears.
- The elevator in the hotel is tiny... aggressively tiny, as if it's tininess were a hostile gesture towards me.
- From the individual tininess of army ants who tear a mean path through Costa Rica, Sunday night's opening chapter jumps to some of the largest creatures on the planet, 50-ton sperm whales who may travel a million nautical miles in a lifetime and who have, among other things, "the biggest brains on Earth."
- When my second grade teacher, Mrs. Braley (ph) - perhaps the only woman I've ever truly loved - read "Stuart Little" to us, I remember thinking: Yes, yes, yes - this confluence of traits, the unquestioned membership in a family despite one glaring material difference from them all, the tininess only seeming to accentuate the courtly manners and dandy tendencies, this was me.