IPA: tˈɪpʌɫ
- An area near the entrance of mines which is used to load and unload coal.
- (rail transport) An apparatus for unloading railroad freight cars by tipping them; the place where this is done.
- (slang) Any alcoholic drink.
- A surname originating as a patronymic.
- To sell alcoholic liquor by retail.
- (transitive, intransitive) To drink too much alcohol.
- (intransitive) To drink alcohol regularly or habitually, but not to excess.
- (transitive) To put up (hay, etc.) in bundles in order to dry it.
- (intransitive) To fall over; to topple.
Examples of "tipple" in Sentences
- After a long day at work, I like to unwind with a small tipple of whiskey
- The bartender recommended a refreshing tipple made with gin and fresh lemon juice
- She only indulges in a tipple of red wine on special occasions
- The cozy pub was the perfect spot to enjoy a tipple with friends
- I couldn't resist trying the bartender's special tipple, a mix of rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice