IPA: tˈɪpɫɝ
- (obsolete) A seller of alcoholic liquors; keeper of a tippling-house or tavern.
- A habitual drinker; a bibber.
- A breed of domestic pigeon bred to participate in endurance competitions.
- (UK, railroad) An open wagon with a tipping trough, unloaded by being inverted (used for bulk cargo, especially minerals). A minecart, a lorry.
- (mining) One who works at a tipple.
- Alternative form of tipple, a revolving frame or cage in which a truck or wagon is inverted to discharge its load. [An area near the entrance of mines which is used to load and unload coal.]
Examples of "tippler" in Sentences
- The tippler at the bar was known for always having one too many drinks
- He was a notorious tippler, often seen stumbling out of the pub late at night
- Being a tippler, she never turned down the opportunity for a drink
- The tippler's friends were concerned about his excessive drinking habits
- Despite being a tippler, he managed to hold down a job and function in society