
IPA: tˈɪpitoʊ


  • Alternative form of tiptoe [(usually in the plural) The tip of the toe.]


  • Alternative form of tiptoe [(intransitive) To walk quietly with only the tips of the toes touching the ground.]

Examples of "tippytoe" in Sentences

  • Skwad members tippytoe owt an clik awf the lite as they goe.
  • They've tippytoe here and then they'd go back to Washington and they'd tippytoe there.
  • And he couldn't tippytoe despite the buried eggs, another of which blew up a soldier not too far from him.
  • I couldn't figure out why, until I got to Washington and all the establishment in Washington tried to get me to tippytoe, too.
  • You will undoubtedly see many a joyous gain over the long term by investing in wines from Second-Tier châteaux, but ultimately you should extinguish any dreams that these wines might just one day muster enough demand to tippytoe their way up into the stratospheric price levels attained by stars like Latour or Ausone or Pétrus.

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