IPA: tˈoʊdfɪʃ
- Any fish thought to resemble a toad
- Any of the ray-finned fishes of family Batrachoididae of benthic ambush predators.
- Certain species in family Tetraodontidae
- banded toadfish, of Australia (Torquigener pleurogramma)
- blackspotted toadfish, of the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans (Arothron nigropunctatus)
- common toadfish (or toadfish), of Australia and New Zealand (Tetractenos hamiltoni)
- prickly toadfish, of Australia and New Zealand (Contusus richei)
- red striped toadfish, of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (Dichotomyctere erythrotaenia, syn. Tetraodon erythrotaenia)
- smooth toadfish, of Australia (Tetractenos glaber)
- Certain species in family Psychrolutidae
- dark toadfish (Neophrynichthys latus)
- frilled toadfish, of Macquarie Island (Ambophthalmos magnicirrus)
- pale toadfish of New Zealand (Ambophthalmos angustus)
Examples of "toadfish" in Sentences
- We called them "sallygrowlers"--we thought toadfish was the official name.
- It was a reasonably large toadfish, as far as toadfish go, and it was ugly and fearsome and it growled.
- Clams and skates and croakers and jellyfish and fluke and toadfish and anything else with gills surrounded by water are all wild.
- Mr. Jackson turned to turtles only when a toadfish failed to suit an experiment he'd designed to measure its metabolic rate in the absence of oxygen.
- Tetrodotoxin is a powerful neurotoxin found in the skin, liver, ovary, intestine and muscle of the pufferfish species (globefish, blowfish, balloon fish, toadfish).
- What it is: One of a family of marine or estuarine fish known as Tetraodontidae whichincludesmany familiar species variously called puffers, puffer fish, balloonfish, blowfish, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish and toadfish.
- " "Nay," declared a dumpy figure with big ears and the frenzied face of a maniacal toadfish, "we must work together to defeat the likes of the late and unlamented Susnam Evyndd, may his pure and noble soul lie corrupted and befouled forever.