
IPA: tˈɑɫhaʊs


  • A building where a toll is collected on a toll road.

Examples of "tollhouse" in Sentences

  • Some bites taste like a tollhouse chocolate chip cookie.
  • She'd sent him a shoebox of tollhouse cookies and he'd never said thanks.
  • Beyond the tollhouse was a long, narrow road winding north and west through the forest and out to the main north–south trade route.
  •  At lunch, they ate peanut butter sandwiches and tollhouse cookies at the outdoor tables with the pigeons and the gulls and the big kids.
  • Private investors stepped in to fill the gap, building railroads and turnpikes—so called because travelers had to pay tollhouse attendants to turn pikes that blocked free passage.
  • Back of the tollhouse was a neatly fenced garden, well filled with old-fashioned flowers; and, still farther on, a good-sized house, from which a box-bordered path led through the garden to the tollhouse.
  • Clemens spent most of his time at the opening session observing a particularly ill-bred Washoe delegate, “Colonel” Jonathan Williams, eating an eighteen-pound raw turnip at his desk while simultaneously ushering through committee a sinuous new bill for a toll road that stretched conveniently from one tollhouse to another.

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