IPA: tˈɔɫu
- The resinous secretion of Myroxylon balsamum, used in cough syrups and perfumery.
Examples of "tolu" in Sentences
- = — Tincture of benzoin, one pint; tincture of tolu, one-half pint; oil rosemary, one-half ounce.
- ~ -- Toluene, C_ {7} H_ {8}, now chiefly obtained from coal - tar, was formerly obtained by the dry distillation of tolu-balsam.
- Dissolve in half a pint of boiling water, and when cool add wine of ipecac, syrup of balsam tolu, and essence of anise, of each one ounce.
- Because they contain essential oil; some afford benzoic acid when heated, and these have been termed balsams; such as tolu balsam and benzoin.
- Later, with the view of soothing the pain of the cough, and favouring expectoration, mixtures of tolu, with the addition of some opiate, such as the ordinary paregorics, may be advantageously employed.
- -- Tincture of squills 2 ounces, camphorated tincture of opium and tincture of tolu of each 1/4 ounce, wine of ipecac 1/2 ounce, oil of gautheria 4 drops, sassafras 3 drops, and of anise seed oil 2 drops.
- Contributor tolu olorunda breaks it down well in his piece in the daily voice, “is the new old navy commercial racist?” notably, the author also criticises the highly sexualized nature of the racism here, but fails to fully grasp the intersection of misogyny and racism that has clearly occurred:
- Clove buds, allspice and tolu balsam for their eugenol content, of course; Carrot seed for its woody, green yet somewhat starchy and nutty presence; black pepper and nutmeg for an initial dry sharpness; tuberose, rose and ylang ylang to enhance the floralcy of carnation and its richness… And voila!