IPA: tʌmˈeɪtoʊ
- A widely cultivated plant, Solanum lycopersicum, having edible fruit.
- The savory fruit of this plant, red when ripe, treated as a vegetable in horticulture and cooking.
- A shade of red, the colour of a ripe tomato.
- (slang) A desirable-looking woman.
- (slang) A stupid act or person.
- (transitive, rare) to pelt with tomatoes
- (transitive, rare) to add tomatoes to (a dish)
Examples of "tomato" in Sentences
- We also made roasted tomatoes, which we call tomato candy.
- The English word tomato comes from the Spanish tomatl, first appearing in print in 1595.
- Toyin tomato is writing poetry? wow ... wondas shall never end, what was ur source of inspiration?
- The stem has concentrated levels of CIS 3 hexanol, a real strong component of what we identify as tomato smell.
- Botanically, a tomato is the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant: therefore it is a fruit or, more precisely, a berry.
- However, once in the mainstream, they gained a permanent place on the menu and today the tomato is the subject of more genetic studies than any other New World plant except corn.
- Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_