IPA: tˈɑmbˈoʊɫʌ
- A lottery in which winning tickets are drawn from a revolving drum.
- The drum from which the tickets are drawn.
Examples of "tombola" in Sentences
- Boxing Day, we spent in a similar way except that instead of a concert, we had a tombola.
- Even the act of pulling names from a tombola has a liberal helping of hoopla in the world of football.
- A sort of jaunty 1920s army major: monocle, huge moustache, laugh like a tombola full of excitable ducks.
- Tickets for a chance at this A tombola is a kind of raffle. miscellaneous collection sold for one dollar each.
- Without charity there would be no bathing in cold custard, no public displays of depilation and no outlet for tombola.
- You expected someone to announce that there would be a tombola on the upper deck and a film presentation of The Great Escape in the ship's cinema.
- The tombola was a grand, an overwhelming success; without one dollar of outlay -- the buildings and necessary printing bad been donated -- we made six thousand dollars.
- But behind the trays of iced fairy cakes and lovingly labelled tombola items, prospective parents are scouring the stalls for clues of the school's strengths and weaknesses.
- In heart-rending scenes in Waiting for Superman, which was directed by An Inconvenient Truth director Davis Guggenheim, parents and children are shown watching as numbered balls are pulled out of a tombola.
- These pantaloons were made of a goat's skin; the long white wool, inches in length, left on and hanging down below the knees of the man, gave him a Pan-like look, and with the word tombola, suggested the lines of that good old song -- save the maledictory part of it: