
IPA: toʊmˈɛntoʊs


  • (biology, of a surface) covered in (often matted) hairs

Examples of "tomentose" in Sentences

  • The stems are sometimes white, tomentose at the base.
  • On hills about camp, Labiata nova, and a curious tomentose plant were the only novelties.
  • Mostly small southern ferns growing on rocks, pubescent or tomentose with much divided leaves.
  • GREVILLEA FLORIBUNDA may have been an allied species, for the leaves were more downy, almost tomentose above.
  • Deer don't like strongly scented plants, so mint and rosemary are deterrents, as are plants with fuzzy (tomentose) leaves.
  • +Cap+ 2 to 5 inches broad, yellowish-brown, convex, dry, firm, glabrous or minutely tomentose, flesh yellow or pale yellow.
  • Some of the cocoons have attached to them the remains of the tomentose stalk of the plant upon which they were formed; others have portions of
  • The leaves are trifoliate with tomentose leaflets that have the typical reticulate venation of yams, 12-16 cm long, 6-9 cm broad: the petioles are pubescent and often spiny.
  • _ Coal-black, shining; antennæ tawny; thorax slightly tomentose; spines of the scutellum and legs white; wings blackish grey, paler towards the hind border, veins black; halteres testaceous.
  • _ Black, with gilded tomentum, which forms two bands on the thorax, and one on each side of the pectus; abdomen with three gilded tomentose bands, the third subapical, first segment ferruginous beneath; legs tawny, femora at the base and coxæ black; wings blackish-brown, dark cinereous hindward; halteres tawny.

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