
IPA: toʊmˈoʊgræfi


  • Imaging by sections or sectioning.

Examples of "tomography" in Sentences

  • Computerized tomography scan (Also called CT or CAT scan)
  • Today, computerized tomography is an established method for the examination of all the organ systems of the body.
  • Computerized tomography is destined to become the standard diagnotic imagary technique even in small medical clinics and dental offices in the near future.
  • - the kind of three-dimensional picture of an otherwise invisible interior that's called tomography, as in computed axial tomography, the familiar CAT scan.
  • Step 1 of the preemie research uses a technology called optical coherence tomography, or OCT, that beams light to create a map of the back of the eye, showing the retina's layers in exquisite detail.
  • Hardy OT, Hernandez-Pampaloni M, Saffer JR, Scheuermann JS, Ernst LM, Freifelder R, et al. Accuracy of [18F] fluorodopa positron emission tomography for diagnosing and localizing focal congenital hyperinsulinism.
  • In the end it was a specialist in their native Belgium, Steven Laureys of the coma science group at Liège University, who through a technique known as a tomography brain scan determined that Houben's cerebrum was functioning normally.
  • PLECHA: But there are other things coming out in the future such as tomography of the breast, which is another way of looking at the breast with similar to mammography but looking at it almost like a CT scan and slicing the breast into thin sections.
  • Advanced mechanisms: stops the production of CSF; expels as much Trauma Life Support in the first evaluation is important, CSF as it can; contracts as many blood vessels as it can, in along with head computerized tomography, which is useful to order to prevent the inflow of more blood. identify surgical cases or anatomical lesions, and intracranial Nevertheless, this mechanism may not be enough; pressure monitoring.

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