
IPA: tɑnsʌɫ


  • (anatomy, immunology) Any of various small masses of lymphoid tissues.
  • (anatomy, immunology) Ellipsis of palatine tonsil. [(anatomy) One of the two tonsils that can be seen on the left and right sides at the back of the throat.]

Examples of "tonsil" in Sentences

  • No longer; first base is today deep kissing, also known as tonsil hockey.
  • Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are irregularly shaped, whitish/yellow, foul-smelling globs of mucus and bacteria that get caught in the back of the throat.
  • Between the plica triangularis and the surface of the tonsil is a space known as the tonsillar sinus; in many cases, however, this sinus is obliterated by its walls becoming adherent.
  • This new method, which is based on citraconic acid, has not been previously used in brain tissue although it has been employed in various other tissues such as tonsil, ovary, skin, lymph node, stomach, breast, colon, lung and thymus.
  • This new method, which is based on the use of citraconic acid, has not been previously utilized in brain tissue although it has been employed in various other tissues such as tonsil, ovary, skin, lymph node, stomach, breast, colon, lung and thymus.
  • And indeed, as Dr. Mackenzie freely remarks: "Of far graver, far-reaching and deeper significance are cases of infection in which life has doubtless been sacrificed by clinging to the lazy and stupefying delusion that the tonsil is the sole portal of poisoning."
  • —The arteries supplying the tonsil are the dorsalis linguæ from the lingual, the ascending palatine and tonsillar from the external maxillary, the ascending pharyngeal from the external carotid, the descending palatine branch of the internal maxillary, and a twig from the small meningeal.

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