IPA: tˈoʊpɝ
- (now literary) Someone who drinks alcoholic beverages a lot; a drunkard.
Examples of "toper" in Sentences
- Karl Johnson as an unreliable toper drifts through the action in a befuddled haze.
- The captain, a stout teetotaler, and the first mate, an inveterate old toper, got along miserably on board.
- Classic cocktail bars are to the toper what the new crop of “classic” baseball stadiums are to the sports fan — places where we can cheer a return to our roots.
- I regard it as an acceptable vice as long as the toper in question doesn't get all publicly drunk on Jesus or Mohamed or the Easter Bunny or whatever and start trying to stone the unbelievers.
- By the standards of days gone by I was not even remotely a toper, and I couldn't do lunchtime drinking except on Christmas Day, but if you took the thing everyone lies about – units per week – I was definitely at the other limit.
- Nor could Polly's later explanation that the last word was "happy," and not "drunk," reconcile him; for she had been compelled to admit that the old king was a toper, and that he was always in his cups when he struck up the chant.
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Bequest of Benjamin Altman 'Young Man and Woman in an Inn ("Yonker Ramp and His Sweetheart")' (1623) The selection spans most of Hals's career, beginning with the bawdy "Merrymakers at Shrovetide" (c. 1616-17), a densely packed image of revelers that pits a red-faced toper against a young blonde whose flushed cheeks accord nicely with her coral jewelry and elegant, lace-trimmed red dress.