IPA: tɑpʌgrˈæfɪkʌɫ
- topographic
Examples of "topographical" in Sentences
- Yes, though I can't recall a topographical instance right off, I know there have been a couple.
- Grieg specialised in topographical engravings, of which he published several volumes organised by place.
- They show us also, incidentally, how careful she was herself to be correct in topographical and other statements.
- According to Sasha, the only thing Mundy has in common with Leon Trotsky is what the great man called topographical cretinism.
- He remembered the name and recalled a topographical map of the region which he had looked at one day in Colonel Whittaker's office.
- Our esteemed friend and correspondent _Vyvyan_, is probably familiar with the locality of Lydford: his fancy might people it with pixies, and group its scenery into a kind of topographical romance; probably not unaided by its proximity to Dartmoor. [
- In a way that few could have predicted twenty or thirty years ago, the current focus on process studies and computer modeling is bringing geomorphologists full circle, leading them to reexamine William Morris Davis's idea of the long-term topographical life cycle.
- Under authority of chapter 72, resolves of 1884, a commission of three persons known as the topographical survey commission, was appointed, whose duties were to aid "in the preparation and completion of a contour topographical survey and map of this Commonwealth."
- That department of anatomical research to which the name topographical strictly applies, as confining itself to the mere account of the form and relative location of the several organs comprising the animal body, is almost wholly isolated from the main questions of physiological and transcendental interest, and cannot, therefore, be supposed to speak in those comprehensive views which anatomy, taken in its widest signification as a science, necessarily includes.
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