IPA: tˈuk
- A type of hat with no brim.
- (specifically) A tall white hat with no brim of the sort worn by chefs
- (by extension, informal) A chef.
- A variety of bonnet monkey; toque macaque, Macaca sinica.
- (historical) An African nominal money of account, equal to 40 cowries.
- (Canada) A knitted hat, usually conical but of varying shape, often woollen, and sometimes topped by a pom-pom or tassel.
- (music) A rhythm used in Latin music, especially Cuban religious rituals.
- (music) The guitar part of flamenco music.
Examples of "toque" in Sentences
- It makes me feel like a pro yet the baker's toque is missing.
- A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed' !
- A toque is a type of hat that is cylindrical in shape and of which the top is several inches about the top of the head.
- Then that started the discussion about the "toque" (chef's hat), which then confused jessica because Canadians always assume toque = touque = tuque = winter hat.
- Before setting out from Pembina, he bought boots, toques [for my American readers, a toque is a winter hat], a parka, two sets of gloves, thermal socks, a compass, trail mix and water.
- Her head-dress was that worn by all quadroons -- the "toque" of the Madras kerchief, which sat upon her brow like a coronet, its green, crimson, and yellow checks contrasting finely with the raven blackness of her hair.
- The participants were two young and pleasant-looking girls: they discussed matters feminine, of which only the words "toque," "a bewitching little thing," and "pink velvet" had reached my ears; but when I heard the question, "What became of your last poem, Clara?"