IPA: tˈɔrˈɔɪdʌɫ
- Having the shape of a torus or toroid
Examples of "toroidal" in Sentences
- “If it were a toroidal continuum fold, that might do the trick . . .”
- Now think about the damage the toroidal continuum fold must be causing.
- “But did she know we were on the wrong side of a toroidal continuum fold?”
- “Oh, before I go, I can take a wild guess as to how such an impossible feature as that toroidal continuum fold became real.”
- Toroidal: -- Another type of retardation coil, called the toroidal type due to the fact that its core is a torus formed by winding a continuous length of fine iron wire, is shown in diagram in Fig. 104.
- The December experiment shows a more or less conventional DC motor with a permanent magnet rotor and a stator wound with toroidal coils; this is an odd choice since toroidal wound coils produce a small external magnetic field and so make very inefficient motors.
- All of LM's pressurized compartments were spherical, toroidal or cylindrical, including the crew compartment, the forward portion being a wide flat cylinder and the aft being basically cylindrical with cutouts and reinforcement for the hatch on top and the engine on the bottom.
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