IPA: tɔrˈɛntʃʌɫ
- Coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities.
Examples of "torrential" in Sentences
- A lot of what she called the torrential downpours we're getting now, Wolf.
- The cars rejoin the start of the grid in what can only be called torrential conditions.
- Gave his record-length inaugural speech in torrential rains then died of pneumonia a month later.
- This happened during what is being described as a torrential downpour around mile-marker 73 near Verona.
- In 1963, in torrential rain, the sorting office slid slowly and without bloodshed into a quarry, and lay there at 45 degrees for many years.
- Much of the city and suburbs are recovering after up to 7.5 inches of rain came in a "torrential" downpour from the Friday night and Saturday's storm.
- Stuart Shepard of Focus on the Family, one of America's leading evangelical groups, was shown in a video filmed at Denver's Invesco Field, where 75,000 are expected to cheer Mr Obama on Aug 28, asking Christians to pray for "torrential" rain.
- Even small rises in global temperatures will have such likely impacts as: sea level rise; more frequent heat waves, droughts, and extreme weather events such as torrential rains and floods; increased tropical diseases in now-temperate regions; and hurricanes that are more intense.
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