IPA: tˈɔrʌdʌti
- The property of being torrid.
Examples of "torridity" in Sentences
- The silence of the desert was complete as though torridity had overwhelmed every other aspect of nature.
- Already, the unrelenting torridity of the Blasted Lands was beginning to affect the newly forged frigid monolith.
- By its living breath and dancing spray, the parallels and zones breathe the breath of life and stir the febrile torridity of earth's Saharas.
- What follows is a story of forbidden love told with an erotic and elegiac edge that drains the taboo together of all torridity and dissolves the age barrier.
- Nearness to the Equator, with its accompanying torridity, is often counterbalanced by high elevations above sea-level, with consequent rarefied air and low temperature -- a combination which embodies considerable advantages, as well as some drawbacks.
- If Harman attempts to defile the Christian pulpit with his presence, I hope to the good Lord that the decent members of that denomination will tie him across a nine-rail fence and enhance the torridity of his rear elevation with a vigorous application of pine plank.